Wednesday, 28 July 2010

How to be happy

Why are we often so unhappy? Is it because we aren't getting what we wanted?

Here is a great secret to life: The outcome is NOT UP TO US!

All we have control over in this life is the effort we put in and the attitude we present to the world. The rest is simply not in our control yet we get so disappointed when stuff does not go according to our plans.

Life is what happens whilst we are planning something else. Life ALWAYS works out, just not always our way and if we accept and enjoy what we do get, we will realise we ARE actually already happy.

Happiness is NOT an outcome, it's a realisation that we are actually happy. We put things in the wrong order. When we realise we ARE happy, we will BE happy.

People, places and things can only satisfy us for a short while until we get bored of them and then we believe that when we get the next thing we will be happy. I suppose it's born out of our upbringing and an advertising and marketing based life. We are taught to want what we don't have and live in disappointment because of this.

Happiness does not come from anywhere outside of ourselves. Happiness is contentment with what we already have and in appreciating that.
There will always be something and someone better and if our happiness depends on that, we will NEVER be truly be happy.

This does not mean one should not have ambition or strive towards a better future. We should however derive pleasure in the moment, trusting that the present will constantly change into the future and know that the future will be as perfect as the present is.

Mystics and others teach us that living in the moment is all that there really is, yet so few of us live there. We either spend our lives regretting the past or dreading the future yet that is NOT where we are.
We have no ability to change the past, no way of defining the future but we CAN savour the present and do the right things now. When we have a GOOD present, we end up with a good past and a confident future.

We can decide to be happy NOW and put in the effort to BE the best person we can NOW. We all make mistakes and that is OK, providing we learn and grow from them. If we keep making the same mistakes unconsciously then we are doomed to keep making the same mistakes. The saying goes: If we do not change, we stay the same! Everything in life changes and so should we... Consciously!

We all fear change and dread change and yet if things stay the same, we get bored and unhappy. Embrace change, accept it as a fact and we can decide what changes we can make to ourselves to best present to the world who we are. This requires introspection to determine who we really are. We are all constructs instead of being who we are. Trust in the understanding that becoming who we
really are, is the most honest way to live. Honesty is so important especially self-honesty.

Why are we so scared to show the world who we really are and what WE really think? Instead we present to the world an image of what we think others want to see. We express opinions that others express instead of thinking things through for ourselves and deciding what is true to us. Just because someone said or wrote something does not mean it's true for us. Because our parents say something or because it's written somewhere does not make it right. If we don't challenge everything and come to terms with how we feel, we are nothing but parrots.

We are not perfect and we all make mistakes but it's through those mistakes we realise what does not represent us and we can change and grow.

Realise you already have enough to be Happy Now!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If there was no creator & nothing was created, then nothing can be destroyed. Then it will all just simply!

Love you Paul