Saturday, 01 August 2009

Raw Food Diet begins again

I am living proof that a vegetarian who does not eat properly can be fat and unhealthy.

For many months now I have been eating really really badly out of pure laziness. Take out after take out has piled on the weight and made me feel terrible. My skin is looking tired and old, my energy levels are way down and my lust for life is dim.

The happy side to this is that I knnow from past experience that a good detox, great diet and exercise will soon have me thinner, healthier and thus happier.

I have decided to Tweet out my diet as I go along and partly with to shame I tell you that my starting weight is 109.8kg!!!! I have been 112kg before but this is still pretty bad.

I really feel excited to be doing this again. I'm off to Joseph, my seed supplier, to buy more seeds later.

Will post pictures of the sprouting process too!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good luck.