Animals are reared in a cruel manner to be slaughtered, to end up on tables around the world and served up as a meal in celebration of this holiday.
We distance ourselves from this murder of living beings and choose to identify this form of food as meat. We unwrap it from it's plastic packaging and prepare it never thinking of the life that has been lost. Then we go and pet our dogs, cats and caged birds. It was a living breathing feeling being.
This animal had as much of a right to life as your pets!
I have eaten meat in my life and I have to say that I did love the taste and in some ways I even can say that I miss the taste. I can however not justify that as an excuse to eat animals. As a thinking human I have the sense of discretion to make a decision to eat meat or not to eat meat. I choose NOT to eat meat.
This link ( is a game from PETA to try and get people to realise that animals ARE living feeling beings.....
Anyone who has ever kept a bird as a pet knows just how loving they can be and how intelligent they are and that they do feel fear and pain.
All I am asking you to do is think about this and make an informed decision as to how you want to celebrate the life of Christ.
Some interesting links:
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1 comment:
I agree with you about the slaughter, although I myself am a meat eater, I see what you are saying, the sad reality is even if we could get more people to stop eating meat most wouldn't. Christmas is supposed to be a joyous time but not for the animals, not only do we slaughter then, we also set of fireworks (this I witnessed on the beach last night) even though we know it disturbs them. I really starting to believe that human beings are not actually omnivores and if we could stop having so give up farm land to crazing catlle we could finally solve world hunger.
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